Links to information about Janusz Korczak
The website of Janusz Korczak Association of Canada is an excellent English language source of information and a good place to visit first. Just click on the following link:
Korczak associations based in the USA and Australia are to be found at the following sites:
The website for the Polish Korczak Association is in Polish only. It can be accessed at:
The International Korczak Association has an English language Facebook page:
There are quite a few interesting articles about Korczak at the following site:
Other sites of interest:
Books by or about Janusz Korczak published in English
There is now a wealth of material available in English about Janusz Korczak, and a number of translations of his works. Many publications are listed at the following site, including a comprehensive bibliography of works published in English (free download) and several other publications that can be downloaded free of charge. There are also links to books that can be purchased online: